MM Ice-hockey Arena Krásno nad Kysucou, Slovakia

Production, transport and assembly of the supporting structure for one extension unit of the steel ice-hockey arena (33 x 64.5 m, 13-m high). Part of the work supplied also included the installation of trapezoidal roof sheeting and facade panels. Part of the work supplied was a structural design together with the manufacturing and assembly documentation.

neprelozene Rok realizácie
neprelozene Investor
M&M REAL PARK s.r.o.
neprelozene Objednávateľ
M&M REAL PARK s.r.o.
neprelozene Hmotnosť konštrukcie
150 t


Sanen Luxembourg
Kronospan CHP3 regeneration boiler plant,
Ivachnová, Slovakia
Construction of Ivachnová mall
Kemi, Finland
Regeneration boiler plant
Frovi, Sweden
Regeneration boiler plant BillerudKorsnäs,
Fjernvarme, Denmark
Biomass boiler plant
Bratislava, Slovakia
New construction and partial rehabilitation of the H1 Volkswagen welding plant in
Tampere, Finland
Biomass boiler plant Naistenlahti 3
Husum, Sweden
Boiler plant of Metsä Board recovery boiler
Kazincbarcika, Hungary
Pipe bridges, production and operational facilities Borsodchem
Uppsala, Sweden
Biomass boiler plant Vattenfall