Jaguar Land Rover Nitra, Slovakia

The most important parts of this project were the production, transport and assembly of steel structure for one expansion unit of the Body in White (BiW) hall with floor plan dimensions of 100 x 330 m and the height of 13 m - with superstructures reaching up to 19.5 m - and the production, transport and assembly of the steel structure for four separate buildings of the Trim and Final (T&F) hall with floor plan dimensions of 140 x 90 m (TF1), 105 x 100 m (TF2), 120 x 100 m (TF3), 150 x 130 m (TF4), respectively, 13.5-m high - with superstructures reaching up to 20.25 m. The work supplied also included the installation of trapezoidal sheets of roof coverings and facade panels. We also produced manufacturing and assembly documentation. The total investment in the Jaguar Land Rover production plant were more than 1.4 billion euros. The annual production capacity of the plant with an area of 300 000 m² is 150 000 vehicles.

neprelozene Rok realizácie
neprelozene Investor
Jaguar Land Rover Ltd.
neprelozene Objednávateľ
neprelozene Hmotnosť konštrukcie
7500 t


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