Architectural building of the Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic

Production, transport and assembly of steel structure for the pre-set all-glass facade of the seven-story building A of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC). The facade consists of a clear insulating membrane foil, which is anchored to a separate steel structure together with the inner glass facade. The intermediate space of this double facade serves as a solar cell - for heating in winter and cooling in summer.

neprelozene Rok realizácie
neprelozene Investor
ČVUT Praha
neprelozene Objednávateľ
Excon, a.s.
neprelozene Hmotnosť konštrukcie
771 t


Sanen Luxembourg
Kronospan CHP3 regeneration boiler plant,
Ivachnová, Slovakia
Construction of Ivachnová mall
Kemi, Finland
Regeneration boiler plant
Frovi, Sweden
Regeneration boiler plant BillerudKorsnäs,
Fjernvarme, Denmark
Biomass boiler plant
Bratislava, Slovakia
New construction and partial rehabilitation of the H1 Volkswagen welding plant in
Tampere, Finland
Biomass boiler plant Naistenlahti 3
Husum, Sweden
Boiler plant of Metsä Board recovery boiler
Kazincbarcika, Hungary
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